Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Photography can play a big role in design, and I've always been interested in it... but I never really took too much time to think about it, and it's impact.  I always looked at photography as a way of finding the beauty in anything, and everything... ranging from a paper-clip to a cliche sunset.  But today has given me another perspective on photography...

Today I heard Ed Kashi talk about his work... and it made me think more in-depth about photography.  He discussed how his photography told untold stories of various groups of people/topics.  There was one story he talked about how he had taken a photo of a under-privileged man, and a lady had seen it and provided education for that man in the photo.  His photo helped to change the life of someone... I never thought of photography as something that powerful.  He had many more stories, and he talked about how some of his projects change him, and make him a better person.

This has just inspired me to think more about a photograph before I snap it... and to think about it's impact.
That's not to say that ALL photographs have to have some deep meaning/subject attached, but it does provide a way of telling a story through photos... something that is an interesting idea to me.

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